The Bigger Picture: Oral Health and Your Body
Your oral health is closely connected to your overall health. During dental checkups, we look for signs of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders, which may show early indicators in your mouth.
Oral cancer screenings are another vital part of your dental visit. Detecting oral cancer in its early stages significantly increases the chances of successful treatment, making these screenings potentially life-saving.
A Tale of Two Cavities
Scenario 1: Early Detection Saves the Day
A patient came in for their routine dental checkup, feeling confident there were no issues. During the exam, we discovered a small cavity forming in one of their molars. They hadn’t noticed it—there was no pain or sensitivity yet.
Because it was caught early, we treated the cavity with a simple filling during the same visit. The patient left with peace of mind, knowing their tooth was protected, and avoided the need for more complex treatment.
Scenario 2: A Tough Decision
In another common situation, a patient who hadn’t been to the dentist in years came in due to sensitivity in a back tooth. The exam revealed a large cavity that had reached the tooth's nerve.
At this stage, the patient faced two difficult choices: undergo a root canal and build the tooth back up with a crown or remove the tooth entirely. Both options were more expensive and invasive than they would have been if the cavity had been caught earlier. While they ultimately decided to save the tooth with a root canal, they wished they’d come in sooner to avoid the extra stress and cost.